So long my lovers and friends one day we’ll meet again. Capture my dreams don’t forget who I am Remember me.
So long my beloved ones somewhere some place. I surely believe that you will be there remember me.
Unbreakable wires are in God’s hands robes of silver and gold between you and me unbreakable wires between you and me.
Don’t forget the dreams that we shared.
So long my dear friends and family.
Life lasts a scratch in time.
Beware and cherish my soul as long as I’m here.
remember me.
He’s holding the wires from you to me once I’ll join you up there. (let op start ‘take’) Take care of our love. He’s holding the wires from you to me.
Don’t forget and please watch over me.
Remember our love capture my dreams, you’re still a part of me. Don’t forget all the thoughts that we shared remember me.
Remember our love capture my dreams you’re still a part of me. Don’t forget all the thoughts that we shared .